Meet ….. Andy Wolfendale Senior Outdoor Education Instructor at YMCA Lakeside
How long have you been working at Lakeside Andy? I’ve been here for 3 years now.
What is the favourite part of your job? I enjoy developing and training the instructors.
How would you describe yourself in 3 words? Calm. Practical and Positive.
How did you get into Outdoor Ed? As a kid any free time I had was spent on my bike or fixing it! It gave me freedom, a connection with friends and a distraction from life. As I got older the bikes got better, rides got longer and the environment changed from car parks to mountains. Biking had helped me so much over the years so I started looking into how I could share it with others. 2 years at college and a 3 year apprenticeship/trainee programme later I was a fully qualified outdoor Education Instructor – using the outdoors as a tool for education, exercise and therapy. Ten years on I’m loving my job and still have time to ride (childhood dream tick).
What has been your most memorable moment at YMCA Lakeside? I was working on a drug/alcohol rehab programme, sat around a fire in the woods with 5 adults. We’d been sat for about half an hr with the odd bit of conversation but mostly just staring at the fire. Fires draw people in, help them relax, and most importantly for this provide an opportunity to sit and think. One of the participants had recently been released from prison for dealing drugs and had spent this time around the fire watching the effects of drug withdrawal on the others. Out of nowhere he broke the silence, apologised to the others on behalf of all drug dealers and promised never to deal drugs again. This moment gave me hope that what we do works – is a worthwhile use of our time and is more than just playing in the woods!
Where is your favourite place to visit? In the UK – Glencoe. I’ve returned to Glencoe year after year looking for adventures. It’s like a playground for climbers/mountaineers. Especially in Winter when it somehow gets even more beautiful. In the world – the Mueller hut in New Zealand. A quick google will sell this place more than I can!!! Watching the winter sunset over the glaciers, ridges and snow fields is a moment I will remember for a long time!
Who do you most admire in the World? Ueli Steck ‘the swiss machine’. He was told by his doctor that he needed to lose weight. A normal response would be to buy a gym membership but Ueli went and speed climbed the north face of the Eiger in 3hrs and 54 mins (knocking 25% off the fastest time). Not happy with this time he got it down to 2 hrs and 22 mins in future attempts.